The new, updated DM48X is here!

Anything apart from the two mainstream default harmonicas (Solo-tuned fully-valved chromatic, and un-valved Richter 10-hole diatonic). Alternate tunings, different construction, new functionality, interesting old designs, wishful-thinking... whatever!
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The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by EdvinW »

I just saw an e-mail from Lekholm Instruments, announcing their introducing the successor to the DM48: DM48X!

The most apparent new features are that the new model has a ribbon controller on top, which could be used as a pitch-bender or to control the sound in other ways, and that it can be operated wireless via bluetooth. It also comes with a longer stroke length to make it more familiar to chrom players, and various other features, listed at

The only drawback seems to be that the price is increased to match the new capabilities, and though reasonable I think this could raise the threshold for those who have not yet pulled the trigger and bought one. They don't seem to sell the "legacy version" any longer, but only advertise the one new product.

What do people think about this new version? Has someone even tried it already?

They mention that older models could be retrofitted with the new slider, and I'm tempted to take them up on that. Since I already have the old version I think the price is too high to justify buying another one.

And Happy new year!
Edvin Wedin
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Lizzy »

I wish they could add or retrofit the new features to the old models but probably not possible due to a new 3D printing to add those features. Bluetooth would be nice to play wireless but the price is also to much even for me to buy the newest model. If you could trade in your model for a new one would also be a nice addition. I would think that there could be a market for older models for a smaller price.
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Brendan »

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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by EdvinW »

Brendan wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 6:55 pm Here's a review:
Thanks, Brendan!

That ribbon controller does seem useful! As I understand it it's quite different from your miniMIDI-JOYstick, is this correct? Could you say something about how the two compare?
Edvin Wedin
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Brendan »

The sound of the DM48X pitch ribbon is really nice! It gives a very smooth bending effect. However, from my point of view, the downside is that you can't get really accurate pitch bends with it - as you can with the Mini PitchBender. From studying various musical styles where pitch bending is integral to the style (Chinese, Indian music for example), the overwhelming majority of bends, and the ones you really need, are 1, 2, 3 semitones down.

These three are what I use all the time on my Mini PitchBender, and of course I missed them immediately on the DM48X! However I wanted to avoid sticking an extra (wired) controller on this wireless instrument, so I wondered if I could figure out a way to get what I needed using the pitch ribbon. I found that if I pressed down at specific points on the ribbon with my fingernail or a toothpick, I could get defined pitches at different points.

So I designed the little gizmo below. It has three sprung bars with tapered rods beneath for pitch bending. The rods can moved horizontally along the pitch ribbon then set at the correct point by tightening the rear attachment screw. You can see they're quite close together, because in the menu selection I've chosen the ribbon is split into two sections: pitch down and modulation. So I made them of different lengths, in order to be able to select them with my left index finger without hitting unwanted bends (the design is still a work in progress). When I press the fourth sprung bar it gives me modulation/vibrato. It swings on its pivot, so you can increase the amount of modulation as you move it along the ribbon.
DM48X Pitchbend Controller.jpg
DM48X Pitchbend Controller.jpg (38.87 KiB) Viewed 15393 times
I didn't talk about this in the initial video as it's not a stock component on the DM48X, but will will show how my little selective pitch bending gizmo works in an upcoming video.
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Lizzy »

The DM48X have some features i like. I would consider so sell my older model if i could find any buyer in Sweden but midi harmonica is still very narrow on the market. Is it hard to hit just a semitone bend without your gizmo? Today i play mostly powerchromatic and diminished.
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Brendan »

Yes, I can get accurate bends with this gizmo. You can use the Mini PitchBender on the normal DM48 for accurate bends also.
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Lizzy »

Brendan...i mean, is it easier to hit any of the 1, 2 or 3 seminote bends ( or half or holestep bend) with the pitch ribbon? Or are all bends equally hard to hit with the pitch ribbon?
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Brendan »

Here's a video demonstrating my little bending accessory gizmo on the DM48X:


I'm using 1 and 2 semitone bends extensively on this tune.
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Re: The new, updated DM48X is here!

Post by Lizzy »

Seems maybe little faster and only with a light touch compaired to the slider? Only you know how it feels :)
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