Brendan Power

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This album was recorded in London in 1993, in the home studio of jazz pianist Geoff Castle. After the commercial success of Harmonica Nights, James Moss of Jayrem Records wanted a follow-up, and Geoff seemed the ideal person to record with. He can play with panache just about any style of music you throw at him, and is an experienced recording engineer to boot.

Even though easy listening isn't my first choice of genre, I was pleased with the job we did on a modest budget. Geoff's swing and incredible versatility, ranging from Rn'B piano to his deft touch on the two Baroque pieces, is a highlight of the album. He records and produces his own jazz albums, samples of which can be heard on his website


A lot of the tunes are played on customised diatonic harps (mostly Suzuki ProMaster MR350s), as I wanted to get an earthier sound than on Harmonica Nights. A couple of tunes even use a distorted Chicago Blues amplified tone, not your usual easy listening sound...
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