Sheet music, tabs, and then THIS ...

Anything apart from the two mainstream default harmonicas (Solo-tuned fully-valved chromatic, and un-valved Richter 10-hole diatonic). Alternate tunings, different construction, new functionality, interesting old designs, wishful-thinking... whatever!
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Sheet music, tabs, and then THIS ...

Post by IaNerd »

In the 80s and 90s we talked a lot about "multimedia" because technology was making it more accessible -- for creation and consumption. Now we take for granted that text, graphics and audio can be combined for more powerful experiences. Here are some superb example of this.

There will always be harmonica tabs. But this is next-level stuff.
Last edited by IaNerd on Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sheet music, tabs, and then THIS ...

Post by Brendan »

You're right... This excellent TAB must have taken sooooo long to do! Days and days and days....

However I bet some clever person could come up with an algorithm that could train an AI to do it in seconds...
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Re: Sheet music, tabs, and then THIS ...

Post by IaNerd »

... and/or create MIDI files!

I seem to recall that currently there are algorithms that convert piano recordings to MIDI files. I am not a programmer or a sound engineer, but I would guess that some of the code could be transferable.
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